Welcome to the Multisensory Perception, Learning and Attention lab at the Centers for Cognitive Neuroimaging and Systems Neuroscience of the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior and Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands, led by Prof Uta Noppeney. Get to know more about us here!

Our lab investigates how the brain enables us to perceive, understand and interact effectively with the multisensory world around us. When crossing a busy road our senses are bombarded with myriad signals: a sparkling bike passing by, the looming noise of a truck, the smell of traffic fumes. The effortless ease with which we merge these signals into a seamless percept masks the complexity of the computations and neural mechanisms involved.
Adaptive behaviour in a complex, dynamic and multisensory world poses some of the most fundamental computational challenges for the brain, notably inference, probabilistic/statistical computations, decision making, learning, binding and attention. To define the underlying computations and neural mechanisms in typical and atypical (e.g. neuropsychiatric disorders) populations our lab combines psychophysics, computational modelling (Bayesian, neural network) and neuroimaging (fMRI, MEG, EEG, TMS).
Open NEW PhD Positions
Are you fascinated about the brain mechanisms of perceptual decision making, inference, sensory uncertainty and decision confidence? And how the brain explores and gathers information in an uncertain multisensory world? We are looking for several enthusiastic PhD candidates with interests in computational and/or cognitive neuroscience, and we are looking for and enthusiastic postdoctoral researcher with interest in computational cognitive neuroscience to address these questions!
We are always looking for excellent and enthusiastic MSc and PhD students and PostDocs. If interested, please get in touch!
We are always looking for excellent and enthusiastic MSc and PhD students and PostDocs. If interested, please get in touch!
For further interest
Scientific review:
Noppeney U. (2021). Perceptual inference, learning and attention in a multisensory world. Annual Review of Neuroscience. 44:449-473.
Popular overview:
Making sense of the senses. How does the brain integrate noisy sensory signals to create a coherent percept of the world? Bulletin of the British Neuroscience Association, BNA, Autumn, 2019.

Special issue:
Decision and control processes in multisensory perception (2023) compiled and edited by Christopher R. Fetsch and Uta Noppeney, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. https://royalsocietypublishing.org/toc/rstb/2023/378/1886
Decision and control processes in multisensory perception (2023) compiled and edited by Christopher R. Fetsch and Uta Noppeney, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. https://royalsocietypublishing.org/toc/rstb/2023/378/1886